Green Power, UNITE! UWENet News

Saturday, March 04, 2006

End of Suburbia, Monday

End of Suburbia
End of Oil

Ever ask yourself about how long the lights will stay on, or how many
years will it that I can still drive my car. Will reading an e-mail
off a computer become too expensive? The fact of the matter is that
our modern world runs on oil. So what happens when it runs out? The
world as we know it will definately change. When is it going to run
out? The truth is that we'll never run out, the real question is when
will oil supplies start to plummet? Peak Oil is coming some say its
already happened. Learn about this and other energy related topics at
the next STEP event.

1) End of Suburbia
This is a movie that presents the facts of Peak Oil. The first
half will be screened.
2) The audience will break into groups and ask questions and enter discussion
with professors doing research in this area. Some of this experts are:
- Dr Michael Fowler Chemical Engineering
- Dr Paul Parker Environmental Studies
- Dr John Straube Civil Engineering / Architecture
- Dr Roydon Fraser Mechanical Engineering (Tentative)

Where? When? How Much?

Monday March 6
ES Courtyard - ES1 250
Cost: FREE!!!

Pass this on to your friends!

Contact: Mike McWilliam, STEP,


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